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The condition of education 2024


National Center for Education Statistics


“The Report on the Condition of Education is an annual report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) that is mandated by the United States Congress. Using data from NCES and other sources, NCES compiles a set of “indicators” of the condition of education in the United States at all levels, from prekindergarten through postsecondary, as well as labor force outcomes and international comparisons.

The Report on the Condition of Education 2024 comprises key findings from the Indicator System. This year’s report also includes select content from sources outside the Indicator System, such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Integrated Postsecondary Education System (IPEDS).

The report is organized into six sections: spotlight (which examines issues of current policy interest, with the topic varying year-to-year); family characteristics; preprimary, elementary, and secondary education; postsecondaryeducation; population characteristics and economic outcomes; and international comparisons.”

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