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LIG Part 6: Resources – Gardenista

Part 6: Resources. Ready to Make Some Changes? Let Us Help.
[Page allocation: half calls to action, half shopping] up to 24pp

Joining or forming a group to tackle invasives, plant native trees or help to restore a public park (see Test Plot) is sociable, good for mind and body, and makes a difference.

• Community gardens to do nothing in except enjoy being outside [2pp]
(but you can help if you want to). eg. Peace Garden in Asheville, NC, shown here. Originally set up as a way for people to funnel their fear/frustration about the Iraq war; active social hub and education center, with a fresh produce market. Run by an artist and family members who are experienced working with mental health.

Public gardens that have specific information on right plant, right place and how to source it [2pp]
eg. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Theodore Payne Foundation, CA, Birmingham (Atlanta) Botanic Garden.

• Grassroots groups inspired by Homegrown National Park thinking [2pp]
(the seminal Doug Tallamy book), eg. Backyards Habitat, Oregon. Greenway Network around Philadelphia (℅ Refugia), National Wildlife Federation signs (nationwide), Lights Out For Wildlife (TX)

• Groups that are effecting change by getting organizations to think [2pp]
Once you change habits in your garden you will want organizations to shift their attitudes. See Audubon or FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program) in Toronto advocates to save birds from the huge amount of glass and light-related deaths

• Community-based scientific research programs [2pp]
like Seed Pile Project, on the potential of native wildflowers in urban situations:

• Insiders’ Favorites for seed and supplies [10-14pp]
(who sell to retail): Organic and heirloom seed suppliers, reliable manufacturers and garden stores that are not garden centers. US, Canada, UK, some Australia

Here and there?

Pause for thought (digestible stats)

• Bats make up a fifth of all mammal species (eating mosquitoes and midges, pollinating)

• Into the Woods: 75% of land animals live in forests

• Turn the lights down (or off): over 60% of invertebrates are nocturnal 

• All of our oxygen comes from plants


Glossary 4pp or 2pp

eg: biome, ecotype, ecological service and function

Required Reading 2pp

eg: Nature’s Best Hope and Bringing Home Nature by Doug Tallamy
Planting in a Post Wild World by Claudia West and Douglas Rainer. ETC

Acknowledgements, photo credits 2pp

Index 8pp

Endmatter 8pp

Section openers 14pp

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