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Is Google Search Having Indexing Issues Now?

Google Robot Newspaper Bench Fire

Google Search is having issues with indexing starting earlier this morning. Several hours later, Google confirmed the issue. I am seeing tons of reports from SEOs on X that Google is having indexing issues, tons. So I am posting this story to see if I can see firsthand if Google is indeed still having indexing issues. In fact, minutes after posting this story, this specific story was crawled, indexed and ranked in Google Search. But there are tons of complaints from India and other regions about indexing issues with Google Search.

Update: Google is looking into it. Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan confirmed:

Update again: Google has confirmed the issue saying, “Google is investigating reports about delayed indexing in Google Search that’s affecting a small number of sites. We’re working on identifying the root cause. Next update will be within 12 hours.” John Mueller also posted about it on LinkedIn.

Update at 5:30 pm ET, Google has confirmed fixing the issue saying, “We identified and fixed the issue with indexing. Sites may still experience some delayed indexing until the previously affected URLs have been reprocessed. There will be no more updates.”

Based on some of my tests, looking at recent content from the Wall Street Journal, the Washinton Post nad others, I am seeing that content indexed in Google Search.

For example, this story was published less than 45 minutes ago and I see it ranking Google Search:

Wsj Google Index

Same with this story from The Washington Post:

Washingtonpost Google Index

But like I said, I am seeing tons of complaints on Twitter this morning. Maybe Google fixed it, but I do not see any confirmation from Google on this topic yet.

It seems like most of the complaints are coming out of India this morning. I am not sure if it is an issue only impacting that region or if they are just awake before everyone else and noticing the issue first?

Here are some of those complaints:

There are currently no comments from Google on this potential issue and nothing on the Google Search Status dashboard.

I will update this story as I track to see this story being crawled, indexed and ranked and if any comments come out from an official Google representative.

Update: Minutes after posting this article, Google Search Console reports this URL as being indexed and healthy:

Gsc Indexed

Plus, Google Search has ranked the story in Google Search:

This Story Ranks In Google

And it is also in Google News:

Also In Google News

Also, those in India can see this content:

Update 2: Some are saying if the site has an AMP version, then it has an issue, otherwise it does not. I did not verify this:

Update 3: At 7:30am ET I am hearing from some that the issue is resolved or resolving.

Update 4: Google is looking into it. Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan confirmed:

Update 5: Google has confirmed the issue saying, “Google is investigating reports about delayed indexing in Google Search that’s affecting a small number of sites. We’re working on identifying the root cause. Next update will be within 12 hours.”

Update 6: Google fixed the issue at 5:30 pm ET:

Stay tuned.

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