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How to Direct Sow Poppies in Winter

I know it’s only February, but with spring just around the corner, there are plenty of seeds we can be sowing now, both indoors and out. Some seeds require cold stratification before they can properly germinate, and poppies are one of them. 

Seeds naturally go through this cycle of freezing and thawing when left to their own devices. Hence, we gardeners try to mimic this when starting seeds indoors by storing them in our freezer and forcing germination in a damp paper towel or damp potting soil. Poppies require a lengthy cold stratification that’s easiest done when they’re sown directly outdoors. Plus, germination rates will increase, and they’ll get the cue from Mother Nature when it’s time to sprout, with very little work on your end. 

Grab your seeds and garden labels, and let’s learn about when, where, and how to direct sow poppies outdoors in the winter

Our Favorites

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Mother of Pearl Poppy Seeds

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When To Sow Seeds

 A close-up view reveals a multitude of vibrant green poppy seedlings pushing through a pebble-strewn surface. Delicate stems topped with smooth, rounded cotyledon leaves huddle together, their new life reaching for the light.
Sow poppy seeds outdoors in January or February for optimal growth.

The best months to direct sow poppy seeds outdoors are January or February, even when winters are harsh. Poppies will germinate and perform best if they’ve gone through a natural freeze-and-thaw cycle. Keep an eye on the forecast and sow seeds right before snow is expected in your area. 

If you’re new to winter sowing, this may seem a bit odd, but snow serves as nature’s mulch. It will protect the seeds from wind, direct sun, and critters and will provide them with water and nutrients when it melts in the spring. 

Pro tip: If a particularly windy day is in the near forecast, hold off a day or so until it dies down. 

Where To Sow Seeds

Poppies aren’t super picky about their soil, even performing well in sandy soil, except that it must be well-draining. Seeds require sunlight for germination, so avoid burying them or cover them with just ⅛ inch of soil. Sow seeds in an area of your garden that receives full sun. 

Poppies don’t prefer to be transplanted, so sow them where you intend them to live. If you’re adding poppies to an established perennial flower garden, take note of where other plants live so you don’t sow poppy seeds right over the top of them. 

In Prepared Garden Beds 

A lively scene of starting a new flowerbed in a backyard. Seedlings in colorful pots sit on a tray, ready for planting. A wheelbarrow and a small shovel rest nearby, hinting at the upcoming work. Lush green grass borders the prepared bed of rich brown soil.
Compost is added to garden beds in the fall to help with drainage and water retention.

Prepare your garden beds in the fall before the ground freezes in preparation for winter direct sowing seeds. Add compost to assist with drainage, water retention, and overall health. Amend as needed after reviewing a soil test analysis. Soil pH should be between 6.5-7.0.

If you haven’t prepared your beds, simply rake them off of any garden debris and designate an area for your poppies. They aren’t fussy. 

Depending on the color of poppy you’re sowing, they can be incorporated into cottage or pollinator gardens, on naturalized slopes, or alongside ornamental grasses. When poppy blooms are spent, their unique seedheads will remain and complement your late summer and fall garden. 

In Metal Raised Beds or Containers

A close-up bird's-eye view of a flower pot brimming with life. Delicate poppy seedlings huddle together in clusters, their first green leaves reaching toward the sun. Crystal-clear water droplets cling to the dark, moist soil, evidence of a recent nurturing shower.
Poppies thrive best when sown in raised beds or large pots with proper drainage.

Sow poppies into prepared wooden or metal raised beds or large ceramic pots. Ensure proper drainage, or they will not thrive. To avoid having to fill the entire bed with potting mix or seed-starting soil, line the bottom 50-60% with organic matter from your property like fallen logs, grass clippings, extra organic straw, brush, plant debris, mulched leaves, etc.). 

The top 40-50% of your container should be either:

  • Equal parts vermiculite, peat moss, and compost,
  • 50% topsoil, 25% compost, and 25% organic matter,
  • Or whatever high-quality potting soil mix you have on hand.

As time passes, the materials at the bottom 60% of the bed will break down, producing the perfect environment for healthy bacteria and microbes and promoting mycorrhizal fungi. Each year, you can top off the container with a little compost or fresh soil while the lower half continues to break down into soil. 

Milk Jugs Following Winter Sow Method 

A close-up view of winter sowing in progress. Dewy drops cling to the moist soil in a clear plastic container, where delicate green poppy seedlings have just emerged. Gentle human fingers cradle the container, nurturing the tiny life within.
Winter sowing suits plants like poppies that prefer cool weather and freeze-thaw cycles.

While this isn’t direct sowing exactly, it’s worth mentioning that poppies are great candidates for winter sowing because of their love of cool weather and need for a freeze-thaw cycle. Since they don’t love being transplanted, it’s important that when the time comes to move them from the milk jug, use a trowel and disturb the plant as little as possible. Dig out as much of the soil as you can and transplant it gently into the ground as soon as the soil can be worked. 

Pro tip: Transplant poppies into garden beds or containers before the taproot gets too long and strong for the best results. 

How To Sow Seeds

Sprinkle seeds over the soil surface – it’s that simple! Take a few seeds at a time and sprinkle them over your raised bed or container. Since most poppy seeds are virtually impossible to see against dark soil, add sand to the mix so you can see where they land. This will come in handy for spacing and labeling. 

We recommend oversowing slightly to account for wind and rain loss, possible critter theft, and some seeds that fail to germinate. Germination will begin when temperatures are around 50-65°F (10-19°C) and will take longer if temperatures are much higher than that. 


A close-up view bursts with life as tiny poppy seedlings push through the moist soil. Their fragile white stems, adorned with delicate green leaves, reach for the sunlight filtering through the frame, a testament to the tenacious spirit of new beginnings.
For maximum airflow and overall results, thin plants later to a height of 12 to 24 inches.

Thin plants later to 12 to 24 inches for ample airflow and best overall results. 


A fine, blue-green mesh net gently drapes over a raised garden bed, bathed in warm sunlight. Beneath its protective embrace, delicate green seedlings peek through, their vibrant hues hinting at the promise of a bountiful harvest.
Protect newly sown poppies from critters with row covers or netting.

If you suspect critters or birds may bother your newly sown poppies, place a row cover or insect netting over the top of the garden bed to keep them away. 

Add a light layer of organic straw over your newly sown poppy seeds to help keep them in place if desired. When the winter snow melts, you can either gently pull this layer of mulch back or allow the filtered sun to shine through to aid in germination. 

Water Requirements 

A defiant red poppy stands tall against a vast, wintry sky, its delicate petals like crimson tissue paper ruffled by the cold breeze. Sunlight peeks through the translucent edges, highlighting the flower's vibrant color and the golden pollen dust at its heart.
Watering immediately after sowing is unnecessary; established plants require little water.

There’s no need to water them right after sowing. If your region receives snow, your poppy seeds should receive plenty of water from snow melt and spring rainfall. 

Once plants are established, they don’t need supplemental water unless there are extended periods of dry and hot weather


 A close-up view reveals a white fertilizer bag bursting with a multitude of tiny, round, light brown Diammonium phosphate (DAP) granules. Sunlight glints off the individual granules, highlighting their smooth, even texture.
They thrive with regular phosphorus-rich fertilizer, particularly in their first year.

Poppies require regular fertilization, especially in their first year. Feed a phosphorus-rich fertilizer in the spring and every few weeks for optimal growth and performance. Light fertilization is best, as too much can reduce the performance of your poppies.

Continued Care and Maintenance 

A close-up reveals two red poppies basking in warm sunlight. Their vibrant, crimson petals are nearly unfurled, showcasing delicate crinkled edges. Thin, hairy stems support the blooms, contrasting against a background awash with a sea of red poppy flowers.
Mature poppies require minimal care and thrive in temperatures ranging from 50 to 75°F (10 to 24°C).

Poppies require very little maintenance, especially once they’re established, and provide lots of beauty in return. Ideal temperatures for growth are between 50-75°F (10-24°C), but some cultivars can tolerate up to 90°F (32°C). The plants are very resilient and don’t need any staking. 

Deadhead to encourage continuous blooms or at the end of the season if you want to prevent plants from self-seeding. Fertilize each year going forward in the spring. 

Final Thoughts

Poppies add a whimsical feel to all types of gardens with their papery petals, tall, strong stems, and color options ranging from bright and bold to pale and romantic. Iceland, Breadseed, and California poppies are all amazing in unique ways. While these flowers may look and feel delicate, they prefer to germinate and establish in cool weather and are very strong, resilient plants.  

Direct sowing cool-weather flowers like poppies outdoors in the winter months is the perfect opportunity to put your gardening gloves on and get growing.

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