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Fonq acquires Naduvi

Dutch online furniture store Fonq has acquired Naduvi, a competing online platform, that sells furniture by dropshipping products to consumers. Combining scale and competencies will bring more focus to both companies. The amount of money involved in the deal was not disclosed.

Fonq is an online store that sells furniture from the Netherlands. Its competitor Naduvi, also from the Netherlands, sells furniture and home accessories as well. However, the latter sells products directly from manufacturers and suppliers through dropshipping, which eliminates the need for a warehouse.

Combined scale

Now, Fonq is taking over Naduvi. Additionally, Naduvi’s founder Itai Gross will become the CEO of both companies. “Fonq is a beautiful brand with a strong proposition. With our combined scale, and the competencies and technology that Naduvi brings, we can commercially strengthen our position. I look forward to further building on the foundation that Fonq has laid over the past years with our teams, suppliers and partners”, said Gross.

‘It is important for Fonq to remain competitively strong.’

According to the companies, the acquisition brings more focus on creating a distinctive assortment and customer journey. “We are in a challenging market, where it is important for Fonq to remain competitively strong. This acquisition ensures that. We, as the Board of Directors, have confidence that the competencies of the Naduvi team will strengthen the company”, said Ad Scheepbouwer, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

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