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Cisco AppDynamics observability solutions help partners expand their business

Only Cisco offers a unified solution to address full-stack observability (FSO) use cases across all major industries

Every day, hundreds of millions of people buy groceries, book travel, order supplies, apply for jobs, qualify for mortgages, and much more using apps on their computers and phones. Today, it’s safe to say that virtually all our most important transactions are digital.

But what seem like simple transactions to end users are, in fact, deeply complex processes relying on dozens of interdependent cloud-native services across multiple networks. There are a million different places where things can go wrong. A recent study by IDC shows that 80 percent of companies still struggle to deliver flawless digital experiences to end users. And when businesses are unable to identify and resolve problems quickly, they risk losing revenue and damaging customer loyalty. Nearly half of companies surveyed say each hour of downtime costs them $250,000 or more.

At Cisco AppDynamics, we believe enabling observability across the entire stack of IT services is essential to ensuring a safe and reliable digital experience.

The key to our success has been our strong partner ecosystem. For the last several years, Cisco’s partner programs have earned a five-star rating by CRN, and 2023 was no different. We’re proud of our work with partners and even prouder of our combined performance in a volatile and highly competitive market. I believe that 2024 will be even better.

How FSO will grow in 2024

The observability tools and platforms market was worth $2.4 billion in 2023 and is growing at double digits annually. But the total addressable market is many times larger. The opportunities for future growth are staggering.

Yet the vast majority of organizations still struggle with integrating multiple observability point solutions across their hybrid cloud environments. Tool sprawl is rampant. Resource overhead continues to increase while coverage gaps persist. Less than one in five enterprises say they’re using a full stack observability (FSO) solution that meets all their needs.

Enabling observability across the entire technology stack is the only way to ensure organizations can identify, prioritize, and resolve issues in a timely and secure fashion.

Cisco Full-Stack Observability is the only solution that seamlessly integrates multiple tools and ties application performance to real-world business impacts. Built from day one leveraging the OpenTelemetry framework, Cisco’s integrated FSO solution provides a scalable, single source of insight across your technology stack. With help from its vibrant ecosystem of development partners, Cisco FSO can tackle an increasingly expansive range of use cases.

For example:

  1. Retail. It’s Black Friday. Traffic to a customer’s ecommerce sites and app usage are up 10X. A failure at any point in their tech stack could cost millions in lost sales. By deploying Cisco AppDynamics and ThousandEyes, retailers can quickly identify app dependencies and pinpoint the source of failures, slashing mean time to resolution.
  2. Financial services. Banks, insurance, and trading firms must minimize business risk while maintaining strict regulatory compliance. Cisco Cloud Observability and Security Insight modules allow financial institutions to automate security functions and reduce vulnerabilities.
  3. Oil and gas. With dozens of siloed ERP systems, oil and gas companies maintain some of the most complex IT architectures in the world. AppDynamics, ThousandEyes, and SAP monitoring can provide visibility into all of these systems, allowing firms to break down silos, gain insights, and reduce complexity.
  4. Hospitality. For the hospitality industry, service is everything. When their apps or websites go down, customers go elsewhere. Hotels, travel bookers, and cruise lines use AppDynamics and ThousandEyes for end-to-end visibility of critical failure points within applications and networks, enabling them to react quickly and decrease downtime.
  5. Public sector. With hundreds of public-facing applications to maintain, government IT offices need to identify and isolate security and performance issues as quickly as possible. AppDynamics and Cisco Secure Application offer full visibility over critical workflows and environmental security, increasing uptime and improving the citizen-user experience.

The possibilities extend from there. Every enterprise in every industry needs a single source of insight that can scale across its technology stack and business. As practical use cases for FSO increase, Cisco’s vibrant ecosystem of development partners enjoy greater opportunities to build new product offerings around these tools, expanding their customer base and generating new revenue streams.

On the path to full observability

Apps and websites are the storefronts of the 21st century. People expect a seamless experience, and if they don’t get it, they’ll go elsewhere.

But use cases vary widely across industries, as do the solutions needed to address them. Only Cisco Full-Stack Observability solutions are flexible enough to address the widest range of use cases while still enabling a complete view into operations across the tech stack.

For example, Cisco’s new Smart Agent orchestration technology automates the management of application monitoring agents across their entire lifecycle, simplifying deployment, and ensuring every agent is always up-to-date and secure.

Cisco has the breadth of coverage to meet your wherever they are on their path to full-stack observability — whether it be for on-prem, hybrid, or cloud environments for both traditional and cloud-native workloads — and AppDynamics has the scale, flexibility, and extensibility to cover any custom and future use cases related to your business. You can meet your customers where they are today and help them get where they want to be tomorrow.

Learn more about AppDynamics, Full-Stack Observability, Smart Agent for AppDynamics, monitoring for SAP solutions, and other solutions and resources on the AppDynamics Partner Hub on SalesConnect  (Partner authentication required).


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