Aditya Belnekar, the innovative founder of Team Wizard Media and Paws Care Foundation, has successfully raised Rs 5 lakh to support stray dogs through his NGO. This remarkable achievement underscores his commitment to the welfare of stray animals.
Manish Chaurasia, the co-founder of Paws Care Foundation, highlighted the urgent need for public support, especially with the monsoon season approaching. “As the rains peak, it’s crucial that we open our hearts and doors to stray dogs, allowing them shelter in buildings and other safe spaces,” he said.
Ansh, the Director and CEO of Paws Care Foundation, announced that he would be overseeing the operations of the Delhi branch. This move aims to extend the NGO’s reach and effectiveness in providing aid to stray dogs in the capital.
The Paws Care Foundation continues to champion the cause of stray animals, striving to offer them better living conditions and the care they deserve. The recent fundraising effort is a testament to the dedication and hard work of its founders and supporters.
About Paws Care Foundation
Paws Care Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of stray animals. Founded by Aditya Belnekar, it aims to provide food, shelter, medical care, and other necessary support to stray dogs, improving their quality of life and fostering a compassionate community.